Allergy Free Dogs

Certain breeds of dogs may be easier for allergy sufferers to be around. While no dog is completely allergy free, because all dogs produce dander, there are breeds that produce less dander and shed less.
  1. Dander

    • According to Pet Place, allergy symptoms are caused by the dog's dander, not the fur. Dander is flakes of dry skin.


    • Terriers that produce less dander, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC), include the Bedlington terrier, Kerry blue terrier and the soft-coated Wheaton terrier. Dog Breed Info Center also suggests other terriers, including the American hairless, airedale, border, cairne, Tibetan, West Highland white, wirehaired fox and Yorkshire.


    • The AKC indicates that the toy, miniature and standard poodles produces less dander. In addition, the bichon frise is a good choice for allergy sufferers.


    • Hairless dogs include the Xoloitzcuintli, also known as the Mexican hairless. The Chinese Crested, while not totally bald, is suggested by the AKC as allergy free.

    Other Dogs

    • Other dogs that are recommended by the AKC for allergy sufferers include the Irish water spaniel, Portugese water dog and schnauzer.


    • In order to determine if you are not allergic to a specific dog breed, Dog Breed Info Center recommends that you spend some time with the dog first.