English Bulldog Lifespan

The average English Bulldog lifespan is eight years, according to Dog Breed Info; however, with proper care, it's likely you can extend that estimate by a few years.
  1. Nutrition

    • Nutrition is an important part of any animal's lifestyle, and the English Bulldog is no exception. According to Bulldog information, it helps to use food specially formulated for medium-sized breeds, as they have an appropriate mix of vitamins and antioxidants.

    Heat Sensitivity

    • English Bulldogs are particularly apt to overheat because of their large frames and copious wrinkles, so it's important to keep them in air-conditioned spaces with plenty of ventilation. Overheating can cause stress that takes a physical toll, or even immediate death, if it's too extreme.

    Breathing Obstruction

    • According to Engbulldogs.com, breathing problems account for a lot of the overheating problems and can cause fainting, as bulldogs are commonly afflicted with airway obstruction. Dogs do not have sweat glands, so panting is their means of cooling down, meaning that inefficient panting because of breathing problems can lead to overheating. Surgery might be required in extreme cases.

    Skin Disease

    • Bulldogs are also susceptible to skin disease because of their numerous folds. Fold dermatitis is one common ailment that can take a toll on the dog's health if not treated.

    Moderate Exercise

    • To keep your Bulldog in good health, you will need to give him moderate exercise while also being careful not to over-exert him, which could exacerbate the breathing and overheating problems. Usually a light, daily walk will do.