English Bulldog Calcium Deficiencies

All dogs are at risk of calcium deficiency, including English bulldogs, largely due to a meat-heavy diet. According to Trimbulldogs, the English bulldog becomes especially at-risk during and after a pregnancy, so this is a time to pay special attention to her needs.
  1. Head tremors

    • Head tremors, which manifest themselves in the form of bizarre bobbing or shaking of the head, and sometimes end with blackouts, are a common sign of calcium deficiency in English bulldogs, according to Bulldogs World. If the dog is exhibiting symptoms, check with your veterinarian to see if you should include calcium supplements in his diet.


    • English bulldogs are especially at risk for calcium deficiency when pregnant and nursing, since so much of the body's calcium is being devoted to milk production. There are a number of calcium supplements you can begin adding to her food while she's pregnant and nursing.


    • English bulldog puppies need extra calcium to assist with bone growth, especially if they are weaned early. You can usually achieve optimum calcium intake by feeding the puppies several times a day and using special puppy formula, which is fortified with calcium.

    Calcium overload

    • Be aware that there is a slight danger of giving the dog too much calcium, especially a puppy. Your Dog's Diet warns that too much calcium can cause bone abnormalities).

    Treating Severe Calcium Deficiency

    • If the calcium deficiency is so severe that it is causing frequent head tremors or even epileptic symptoms, you must consult a veterinarian, as this could cause serious damage in the long term. The veterinarian will likely prescribe a series of calcium injections.