English Bulldog Growth

While the average adult English bulldog can weigh anywhere from 49 to 55 lbs. and stand 12 to 16 inches, according to Dog Breed Info, these dogs go through a number of growth phases before reaching that full adult height and weight.
  1. Newborn Phase

    • When an English bulldog puppy is first born, according to Bbad Bulldogs, a bulldog breeding site, it has no pigment or teeth and its ear canals and eyes still haven't opened. The average weight of a newborn English Bulldog is 8 lbs.

    Early Weeks

    • Pigmentation begins to fill in at about a week, and the eyes and ears usually take about two weeks to open.

    Gangly Phase

    • Bulldog breeders call the period that begins at about nine or 10 weeks the "gangly phase" because the bulldogs' legs grow and they appear taller than the breed standard, though this is an optical illusion.

    Adolescent Phase

    • After about 10 months, the bulldog begins to look like more like the breed standard, thickening and growing its wrinkles.

    Adult Phase

    • The bulldog reaches its developmental maturity at about 2 to 3 years old, though you can expect to see something appearing very close to the breed standard after about one year.