How to Make a Dog Show Catalog

A dog show, also called a conformation show, is an event where dogs are exhibited and judged according to a breed standard. Dog shows may have hundreds or even thousands of dogs entered. A catalog provides information on each dog entered and allows stewards, exhibitors and spectators to keep track of the dogs as they are shown.

Things You'll Need

  • AKC dog show rules for catalog
  • Completed dog show entry forms
  • Word processing or publishing program
  • Pen or marker
  • Paper
  • Card stock
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    • 1

      Review the American Kennel Club (AKC) dog show rules and determine what size to make your catalog. Most catalogs range from five-and-a-half by eight-and-a-half inches to full letter size.

    • 2

      Design the cover and title page of your catalog. Be sure you include the information required by the AKC dog show rules, such as the date, times and location of the show and the name of the show-giving club.

    • 3

      Place other information regarding the show on the next few pages. Include the names of the club officers and event committee members, the name and contact information of the judges, show veterinarian, a list of prizes and trophies offered and the schedule of judging. You might also want to include information on special events, show ground rules and club policies in the front section.

    • 4

      Arrange the entry forms by group, breed, varieties and class in the order outlined in the AKC dog show rules.

    • 5

      Assign armband numbers to each dog and write them on the entry forms. Do not assign the numbers one through four, to avoid confusion or prejudice in class placements; some clubs prefer to skip one through ten. Each breed numbering starts over at the beginning.

    • 6

      Type the information for each dog in the catalog, in order. Include the dog̵7;s armband number, registered name, registration number, date of birth, breeder(s), sire and dam, owner(s) and handler, if any.

    • 7

      Include the schedule of points after the class entries for each sex, in each breed. If your organization has one point schedule that covers all breeds, you can put it in the front of the catalog.

    • 8

      Create a list of all the owners, with their addresses, cross-referenced to the dog̵7;s breed and armband number. If the organization does not require you to print addresses in the catalog, consider leaving them out to protect the entrant̵7;s privacy.

    • 9

      Add other information required by the AKC dog show rules and any other items you choose. Some clubs opt to add information on future shows in the catalog.

    • 10

      Insert advertisements in the catalog, if you are allowing them. Place them wherever it makes sense; for a multiple-breed catalog, ads are often placed at the start of the listing for the relevant breed.

    • 11

      Proofread your catalog carefully and ensure the armband numbers on the entry forms match what is in the catalog.

    • 12

      Print your catalog, using card stock for the cover. Copy and collate as many catalogs as you need and staple or bind them. Alternatively, you can put your catalog on a CD or zip drive and have your local printer make the copies for you.