Shih Tzu & Dog Allergies

According to the Dog Breed Info Center, the Shih Tzu is considered a good choice for allergy sufferers. Instead of fur, they have hair, and this means less dander. Yet, some people are allergic to the urine or saliva, but want to keep their dog.
  1. Trial

    • The American Shih Tzu Club (ASTC) recommends having the person with allergies spend an entire day, and preferably overnight, with a Shih Tzu before getting one to see if they are allergic. People with allergies to dogs can sometimes determine within minutes if they are allergic to a particular type of dog.


    • People with allergies are encouraged to keep their Shih Tzu's coat trimmed as short as possible to keep the dog clean. The dog should be bathed each week or at least three times a month, using a moisturizing dog shampoo and a conditioner, according to ASTC.


    • To limit contact, the dog should be kept out of the bedroom of the person who suffers from allergies.

    Air Cleaner

    • The use of an air cleaner or purifier may help eliminate some of the airborne allergens to prevent allergy attacks.

    Allergy Shots

    • The ASTC indicates that desensitizing shots are an option to alleviate allergies. It may not be effective for everyone and it takes a long time (months or years) to finish the course of injections. It can also be expensive.