Breed Facts About the Miniature Bull Terrier

Miniature bull terriers were developed by crossing a bull dog with a white English terrier, a breed now extinct. Much loved by their owners, the breed is in every way the same as the bull terrier with the exception of their size.
  1. Disposition

    • The miniature bull terrier is described as energetic and clownish. They are fond of both adults and children, though they are not recommended in homes with other non-canine pets.

    General Appearance

    • This dog is strongly built, muscular, with a sleek coat. The American Kennel Club looks for a dog with an intelligent expression with symmetrical features.


    • The miniature bull terrier has a distinctive nose.

      The head is one of the most striking characteristics of the miniature bull terrier. The muzzle is strong and extends from the forehead, ending with a black nose. The pointy ears indicate an alert curiosity.


    • The coat is sleek and coarse to the touch; while shedding does occur, it requires little maintenance. The skin should fit tightly over the body.


    • The miniature bull terrier should be 10 to 14 inches at the shoulder. Weight should be proportionate with the appearance of being compact and squarish.