Chihuahua Puppies Information

Getting a new Chihuahua puppy is an experience that you will treasure forever. There are several different things that you should know about Chihuahua puppies so that you can help your puppy make the best transition and be the happiest possible. Understanding your new puppy's wants and needs can help you give him everything that is required for a good start.
  1. Weaning Information

    • Chihuahua puppies are usually weaned right around eight weeks of age. A good breeder will probably allow the puppies to spend another week or two with the mother. Even after the mother stops feeding the puppies, with Chihuahuas, there is still a certain amount of behavioral things that the mother teaches the pups. If your puppy is younger than eight weeks old, it is usually important to give him a few feedings a day of puppy milk.

    Importance of Supplies

    • There are several different supplies that you need with Chihuahua puppies. First of all, before they are about 12 weeks old, expect to use a little bit of puppy milk to supplement their diet. You will also need a puppy food that is especially made for smaller breed puppies. The pieces of food should be small enough to fit into your dog's mouth. Often regular puppy food isn't small enough for Chihuahua puppies, so you might need to open up a bag to see how small the pieces are. You'll also need a food and water dish, a puppy bed, and toys and chews for your puppy. Don't forget to get a small collar and leash that is appropriate for a very small dog.

    Behavioral Information

    • Chihuahua puppies need to have socialization right away from the time they are brought into your family. They will generally be very nice and loving dogs, but if they aren't exposed to a lot of people, especially children, when they are a few months old, you might find that they have a tendency to bite. Keep them well socialized. Also, play with them often because Chihuahua puppies have much more energy than adults, and more energy than many other breeds of puppies.

    Play Information

    • There are several ways to play with your Chihuahua puppies. Use a small toy to toss and have them run after. Give them squeaky toys to chew on. You can also play with them by petting them and getting them very excited. Chihuahua puppies need several hours of play per day.

    Sleeping Information

    • Chihuahua puppies are often known for being big babies about sleeping alone. You might find that you need to keep your Chihuahua with you when you get him. Having a bed or kennel in your own room at night might help him feel safer and happier in his new environment.