How to Teach Your Jack Russell Terrier Tricks (part 2)

This is the part 2 for the article "How to Teach your Jack Russell Terrier Tricks." Learn how to teach any breed dog basic training tricks.


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      Use your deep command voice to tell your dog to STAY! This training trick can be helpful if your dog is ever far away from you and finds himself in a dangerous situation where he could be harmed if he moves. With the stay command, hold up your hand, palm facing your dog and tell him to stay firmly. Now, take a step backwards. If the dog follows you then start the command all over again. When the dog finally does not move, reward him with a pat on the head and a treat. Repeat until your doggy learns this command.

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      It is important for your dog to learn not to snap at food. Dogs naturally snap because they instinctively want to hurry to beat out other competition for the food (other dogs). Keep in mind to NEVER tease a dog with food and the chances of your fingers getting bitten will decrease. So to get started, present food to your dog with an open hand, palm up. If they dart towards your hand, say "Gently!" and your dog should begin hesitating before taking the food.

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      This command is helpful when your dog or puppy takes an item that you do not want them to have. Simply take your dog by the collar and tug firmly (but not harshly) and tell them to "Drop it!" or "Drop." With repetition they will learn this command.

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      This is a command that most pet owners are not familiar with and rarely use. Most service dogs are familiar with this command and sometimes the name for this command is different from trainer to trainer. The next time your dog is urinating or moving their bowels, say "Potty!" and then reward them with a pat on the head, joyful tone of voice, or training treat. They will eventually understand they are being rewarded for going to the bathroom and begin to do this on command.