How to Raise a Bichon Frise

Descended from the Mediterranean Water Spaniel, the Bichon Frise is a small athletic dog with a happy and outgoing personality. With its trademark fluffy white coat and intelligent dark eyes, this little pooch makes a first-rate family dog, and can be successfully trained when its owners set firm guidelines and stick to them. Less than a foot tall as an adult and weighing between 10 and 16 lbs., the Bichon Frise is easy to keep in small homes and apartments.

Things You'll Need

  • Small dog crate Grooming supplies Ample play toys
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    • 1

      Start housetraining your Bichon Frise puppy as soon as you bring it home. The "Howell Book of Dogs" advises the use of a small dog crate and a strict routine to reinforce potty training for this breed. Choose a crate that allows the puppy to stand easily or stretch out, but not so large that it can run from end to end.

    • 2

      Take your puppy outside after it eats. Puppies frequently use the bathroom immediately after they eat or awaken, so carrying the Bichon Frise outside quickly at these times will encourage housetraining. In addition, remove its food bowl at least two hours before bedtime and walk it just before putting the puppy in its crate for the night.

    • 3

      Socialize your Bichon Frise puppy, taking it for walks in parks and signing it up for a puppy obedience class. While this breed is generally outgoing, your puppy will benefit from learning social skills. Without early exposure to other dogs and humans, the Bichon Frise may become wary and reserved.

    • 4

      Give your Bichon Frise ample opportunities to exercise and play. Your puppy will enjoy one or two walks daily, and a game of fetch. With an innate desire to please and an athletic body, the Bichon Frise is a natural in agility competitions.

    • 5

      Groom your dog regularly. Due to its fluffy coat, daily brushing or combing is necessary to prevent matting. Tear stains on the dog's face may develop from normal eye drainage; these can be removed with a solution made for that purpose.

    • 6

      Protect your Bichon Frise by setting strict rules for children who play with it. This breed loves to play and interact with children, but its small size makes it prone to injuries if the play is rambunctious.

    • 7

      Watch for health problems associated with this breed. The Bichon Frise may suffer from eye disorders, and the breed is prone to developing allergies. Problems in the knee joint are also of concern.