About Siberian Husky Dogs

Siberian husky dogs are friendly and fiercely loyal. Used primarily as sled dogs, huskies exhibit boundless energy and they love to run. Recognized by their beautiful, thick coats and blue-brown eyes, Siberian huskies are low maintenance and great for families.
  1. History

    • It's no surprise where Siberian huskies hail from: Siberia. The Chukchi tribe used the animals to pull sleds and herd. Fur traders brought huskies to Alaska in 1909.

    Famous Ties

    • Siberian huskies became famous in 1925 when a sled dog team, headed by Balto, safely procured diphtheria serum for Nome, Alaska, residents.


    • The American Kennel Club accepted the husky in 1930 after Leonard Seppala and his sled dog team toured New England. The Siberian Husky Club of America was founded in 1938.


    • Characteristics include a medium height and build (20 to 24 inches tall and 35 to 60 lbs.). Average life span is 14 years.


    • Hyperkeratosis (zinc deficiency) is prevalent in huskies. Symptoms include hair loss and flaky, scaly skin on the face and ears. Vitamin supplements cures the affliction.

    Fun Fact

    • The Siberian husky originates from "Esky," a name for Eskimos and their dogs. Over time, Esky turned into "husky."