Things You'll Need
- 18-to 22-gauge hypodermic needles
- 3-ml or larger syringe
- EDTA anti-coagulant lavender-topped tube
- 1- to 3-ml unclotted blood sample
Drawing and Packaging the Blood for DNA Testing
Order the test kit online or at your veterinarian's office. Blood tests range between $100 and $200, plus any veterinarian charges.
Have a veterinarian draw a blood sample of at least 1 ml, but preferably 2 ml or more, from your dog and immediately put it in an anti-coagulant tube.
Turn the tube upside-down and right-side up several times to prevent clotting. Clotted samples are unacceptable.
Properly identify the sample, and package it according to your test kit's instructions. Then, send it to the lab for analysis.
Log into the test lab's website or periodically check with your veterinarian to track the progress of your dog's test. You'll get your written results by mail within a few weeks.