Common Health Problems for Different Dog Breeds

Opening your home to a new canine companion is a big decision, and one that shouldn't be taken lightly. When deciding whether to adopt a mutt or look into getting a purebred dog from a breeder, it's important to know what you're getting into. Years of selective breeding have emphasized the best traits in a number of different breeds--but that breeding has not been without its price. Many purebred dogs are predisposed to not just behavioral problems, but also to health problems as well.
  1. Labrador Retriever

    • Labs are extremely popular dogs due to their personality and temperament, but they are also predisposed to hip and joint diseases such as hip dysplasia, obesity, arthritis, hypothyroidism and allergies.

    Golden Retriver

    • Golden retrievers, like their Labrador cousins, are also predisposed to hip dysplasia, arthritis, hyperthyroidism, obesity and allergies. However, goldens are also very prone to developing tumors that may become cancerous, as well as to being epileptic.


    • Purebred poodles are often predisposed to a number of different conditions, including heart disease, obesity, chronic dental problems, cancer, arthritis and bone disease. Due to their small size and delicate build, they are also prone to tracheal collapse; harnesses should be used instead of collars.


    • Frequent illnesses in chihuahuas include bladder stones, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), obesity, tracheal collapse and heart condition.

    German Shepherd

    • German shepherds may show tendencies toward digestive problems including gastroenteritis, pancreatic deficiency, inflammatory bowel disease, epilepsy, difficulty digesting foods and anal fistulas, as well as joint problems.


    • Beagles are extremely popular, personable dogs, but also come with their share of genetic predispositions, including obesity, allergies, a likelihood to develop fatty tumors, epilepsy, dermatosis and hypothyroid disease. Beagles are also prone to ruptured discs in the spine that can cause paralysis.

    Shih Tzu

    • Shih Tzus are also prone to many of the health problems that plague dogs of similar small size, including kidney disease, tear staining and tear duct problems and dental disease. Also, due to generations of selective breeding to create the desired short noses and flat faces, many shih tzus develop breathing problems, especially in hot weather.