How to Care for an American Water Spaniel

The American Water Spaniel is a medium-size dog that is bred for hunting waterfowl. This retriever is a loyal and friendly pet that is great for families and children. While still used for hunting, this dog is also perfectly happy living in an apartment or condo. The American Water Spaniel can be very independent, but takes well to training when it is done consistently and properly. With the right care, support and training, the American Water Spaniel can live for more than 15 years.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog brush
  • Cotton balls
  • Ear cleaner
  • Leash
  • Dog collar
  • Dog toothbrush
  • Dog toothpaste
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      Brush your American Water Spaniel on a weekly basis, using a stiff bristle brush. American Water Spaniels typically shed their coats in the spring, but loose hairs can accumulate in the fur, in the carpet and on the furniture throughout the year. Regular brushing will help keep the coat tangle-free and healthy-looking.

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      Clean your American Water Spaniel's ears weekly with a cotton ball and special cleanser. This breed is prone to ear infections, and weekly checks should be performed to catch any health problems early. Wet a cotton ball with whatever cleaning solution your veterinarian recommends and gently wipe out the insides of your pet's ears.

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      Walk your American Water Spaniel on a daily basis. These dogs are well-suited to living in apartments and condos, but still need plenty of exercise. When walking your American Water Spaniel, use a lightweight leash and collar to avoid excess strain on the neck. In lieu of a walk, extended playtime in a backyard or park can also help wear off some of your dog's energy and prevent obesity.

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      Start training your American Water Spaniel at an early age. The breed is easily trained when they start their lessons young. Training can make your American Water Spaniel an excellent hunting companion, but also makes him easier to deal with at home and on walks.

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      Brush your American Water Spaniel's teeth a few times a week to prevent tartar buildup and other oral health problems. Use a special dog toothbrush and dog toothpaste to brush the front and back of all your pet's teeth. Dog toothpaste is meant to taste great to your dog, and is safe to be swallowed.