How to Identify a Hungarian Mudi

The Mudi, pronounced Moo-Dee, is one of three principle breeds of Hungarian herd dog that, until the 1930s, were all placed in the same classification despite their differences in appearance and disposition. Even in Hungary the Mudi is a rare dog, despite its many uses. Unlike the Puli, and Pumi, this Hungarian sheepdog is able to turn its paw to most any function one could name. It has served as a flock guardian, sheep herder, cow herder, guard dog, hunter of wild animals, killer of mice and weasels, and as a companion animal. They have been used for mountain rescue as well. Anyone who has kept a Mudi finds them to be the ideal multipurpose dog with a playful, charming personality.


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      Start by assessing the dog’s size and weight, paying particular attention to any notable body characteristics. It should stand between 14 and 20 inches high at the shoulder and be significantly longer bodied. The dog should weigh between 20 and 30 pounds depending on its height. Despite this relatively small size, this breed is very strong and fast. It has very sturdy legs and significant musculature. The body itself should be very thin, running back from a deep chest containing a large pair of lungs to a very thin midsection and belly. The hind legs should be widely set like an upside down "V” to provide better traction for quick bursts of speed. The tail should be long and heavily feathered with long, wavy fur and curl so very tightly as to touch its own base.

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      Examine the dog’s fur. It should have a single layer coat of dense fur roughly 2 inches in length; very wavy and shines in the light. The vast majority of Mudis are jet black. However, from a genetic standpoint any color or pattern is possible. For this reason fur color is not a very good indicator of the breed.

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      Finish by inspecting the dog’s head. The skull and neck should resemble that of a wolf’s in miniature. The head should be wedge shaped and have a pointed nose. You should notice a well pronounced stop at the bridge of the nose marking the line between muzzle and skull. The eyes should set exactly on this line. They should be oval shaped, black or dark brown, which hug against the sides of the bridge. The ear should be set to the back of the skull and stand in perfect inverted "V” shapes.