How to Rescue a Pit Bull in Sacramento

Before you rescue a pit bull in Sacramento, make sure that you are prepared both mentally and logistically to care for the dog. Animal rescue centers have a disproportionate amount of pit bulls as compared to other breeds. This happens because owners do not do the proper homework before getting a pit bull.


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      Spend time educating yourself about pit bulls. If you are considering rescuing one, it is strongly recommended that you spend extensive time learning about the breed.

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      Call your insurance agent. Many Sacramento insurance companies balk at insuring a household with pit bulls. Before you rescue a dog, check to see if your tenant or homeowner insurance policy covers pit bull owners. You don’t want to run the risk of voiding your coverage by violating one of the terms of your policy.

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      Check to see if Sacramento is subject to any BSL (breed-specific laws). As of this writing, Sacramento residents are subject to the California Dangerous Dog Law, which mandates that Sacramento residents must spay and neuter their pit bulls.

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      Select the right pit bull for your lifestyle. Make sure to rescue a dog that fits your family’s lifestyle. If you spend a lot of time at away from home, whether at work or school, rescue a pit bull that does not get frustrated spending long periods of time alone.

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      Choose a trustworthy Sacramento animal rescue center. You don’t want to take in a stray pit bull from the street. Rescue a dog from a center that not only evaluates the temprement of the animal, but also handles the necessary medical procedures, such as heart worm testing, spay/neutering and vaccinations. Adopt a is an organization that performs these services and more. Visit its website and insert your Sacramento zip code to find the Pit Bull Rescue &Adoption center near you.