How to Identify a Vizsla

The Vizsla is a lively breed bred for hunting. It is of Hungarian origin, and has Pointer and Retriever characteristics. It makes for a great family pet, but must be socialized when young and must have a daily job--if nothing else, a long walk. The Vizsla is easily trained and is very intelligent.


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      Look at the general appearance of the Vizsla. It is a medium-sized, robust breed. Males are 22 to 24 inches at the withers and females are 21 to 23 inches at the withers. Males weigh 45 to 65 lbs., and females typically weigh 40 to 55 lbs.

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      Make sure the lean head is muscular with a deep, square muzzle. The nose is brown and has nostrils that stay slightly open. The thin ears are silky and rather long; the ends are rounded. The medium-sized eyes are set somewhat deep into the skull and the color blends with the color of the coat.

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      Look at the neck and body of the Vizsla. It sports a strong, muscular neck that is rather long. It arches gently into moderately angulated shoulders. There should be no dewlap. The moderately broad chest is deep enough to reach to the elbows. The front feet are cat-like and are protected by thick, tough pads. The rear thighs are highly developed. The stifles and hocks are angulated enough so as to balance the angulation of the shoulder. The tail is thick at the root and tapers to where it is docked--one-third of the tail is docked. The tail is never carried straight up, and should be just about horizontal with the back.

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      Pet the short, dense coat. It should feel smooth and lie close to the body. It is a solid gold-rust color, though the rust may be of different shades. The coat color may not be any shade of mahogany. There may be a small white patch on the chest.