How to Identify a Papillon

The Papillon is a happy breed that is very friendly and alert. This is a hardy little dog that thinks it’s a big dog in a little body. In addition, it is an easy-to-train breed and very intelligent. The following steps will help you to identify a Papillon.


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      Look at the general appearance of the Papillon. It has a fine bone structure to go with the little body. It is 8 to 11 inches at the shoulders. The body is a bit longer than high, giving this breed a rectangular look.

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      Check that the head is small and of medium length. The dark eyes are round and have an alert expression. They should not bulge. The muzzle is thinner than the head and tapers to a small black nose. The round eyes are medium sized and are quite alert. They do not bulge. The ears may stand straight up or they may be dropped. The tips are rounded and the ears are set toward the back of the head.

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      Make sure the medium length neck sits on angulated, well-developed shoulders. The chest is somewhat deep, fronting a tucked up belly. The front feet are thin and hare-like. The rear legs are thin and, like the rest of the body, fine-boned. The rear feet are also hare-like. While the dewclaws may be left on the front, the rear dewclaws should be removed. The tail sports a long plume and may hang to either side of the dog.

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      Pet the long, silky coat. It is a single, straight coat and lies flat on the back and sides of the body, but has a lavish frill on the chest. The ears, backs of the forelegs and the hind legs are covered with extra hair. The color is always parti-color or white with patches of any color. The head should have a white blaze.