How to Identify a Havanese

The Havanese belongs to the toy group and is a lively, elegant dog that shows resilience and uniqueness. It has a “spring” to its gait, which is caused by a strong rear drive and a short front upper arm. This breed, as its gait shows, is playful and alert, while being intelligent and trainable at the same time. These dogs may be “corded,” meaning that their hair forms tassle-like cords.


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      Look at the general appearance of the dog. The Havanese is a small, sturdy dog, slightly longer than it is tall. It is covered with long, silky, wavy hair. The tail is carried loosely over its rump. Even though this is a toy breed, it does not look fragile. The unique coat tells of centuries in the tropics—it protects this breed against the heat—and is not wooly or harsh.

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      Check the size and substance of this breed. It should be 8-½" to 11-½" in height at the shoulders. It is a bit shorter than it is tall, as measured from the point of the withers to the point of the buttocks. While this is a sturdy dog, it should not be coarse and should not have excessive bone.

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      Make sure the dog's expression is soft and intelligent, with a bit of mischievousness. The large eyes are dark brown and almond-shaped. The medium-length ears are set high on the skull and are broad at the base. The rectangular muzzle leads to a broad, squarish, solid black nose.

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      Look at the neck and body of the Havanese. The moderate-length neck arches slightly and blends into the shoulders. The topline is straight, but rises slightly from the withers to the rump, with no indication of a roach back. The body, as measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttocks, is a bit longer than the height at the withers. The tail is set high and plumed with long, silky hair. It does not lie flat on the back, but arcs forward over the back without being tightly curled. The well-boned front legs are straight when viewed from any angle. The feet are round, leading to well-arched toes equipped with pads and nails that may be black, white, pink or a combination of those colors. The well-boned rear legs have muscular thighs and moderate angulation. The rump, which is slightly higher than the withers, gives the Havanese its springy gait. The rear feet have well-arched toes and pads and nails that may be colored the same as the front feet.

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      Pet the double coat. Unlike most double-coated breeds, the Havanese has a soft coat that is light in texture, though the outer coat is a bit heavier than the undercoat. The dog should not have a wiry coat or a coat long enough to hide the breed’s natural lines. This breed can be any color, and may have freckled or parti-colored skin.