How to Take Care of a Dalmatian

Dalmatians are a beautiful breed. They are mostly known as fire dogs, but they also make wonderful pets. They love people and the comfort of a cozy home. In fact, they may become depressed if they don't receive enough human interaction, and they need lots of exercise and room to roam. Taking care of a Dalmatian is similar to the care of any dog, but with some specific differences because of the breed. The following steps will outline routine care to keep your Dalmatian looking and feeling his best.


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      Take your Dalmatian to the veterinarian for his annual exam and shots.

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      Make sure his hearing is checked, because 10 to 20 percent of Dalmatians are deaf.

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      Have your veterinarian do a urinalysis on your Dalmatian. They are prone to urinary stones because of their uric acid levels.

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      Put your Dalmatian on a special low protein diet if your veterinarian recommends this. The low protein diet will help keep your Dalmatian from getting urinary tract problems.

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      Brush your Dalmatian regularly as they tend to shed a lot. However, baths are only needed when necessary.

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      Clip there nails and brush their teeth regularly.

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      Give them lots of room to run, or take frequent walks around your neighborhood or park. If they become bored and are not taken for exercise regularly, they start to display destructive behavior.

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      Show them lots of affections. Dalmatians are a very people-oriented breed and crave human attention.