How to Identify a Chihuahua

The chihuahua is a small, alert dog with terrier qualities. This breed should not be over six pounds and should not have broken down or cropped ears. The tail should be long, not cropped, nor should this breed have a bob-tail. The chihuahua moves swiftly and has good reach in the front, equal to the drive in the rear. This breed should be graceful and alert with a saucy expression.


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      Check the proportion and substance of the chihuahua. This is a well-balanced breed and the body is slightly longer than it is high when measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttocks. The height is measured at the withers.

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      Look at the head of the chihuahua. It should be well-rounded and may or may not have molera. The eyes are full, but do not protrude and are set well apart. They are dark or luminous ruby and the ears are large and held erect. Ears are more upright when the dog is alert, but may flare to the sides at a 45 degree angle when the dog is resting. The muzzle is short and slightly pointed and the nose is black, or may be self-colored in blond dogs.

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      Notice the body of the chihuahua. The neck is slightly arched and slopes into lean shoulders. The tail is moderately long and is carried either up or out, or may be carried in a loop over the back. If carried in a loop, the tip just touches the back. The back should be level—never down or low—and gives the breed a deeper chest and strength in the forequarters. The front feet are small and dainty, and the toes are well split, but not spread. The hindquarters are muscular with firm and sturdy hocks. The feet are as in the front—small and dainty with the toes well split.

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      Look at the coat. Chihuahuas may have a long coat or a smooth coat. Smooth-coated chihuahuas should have a glossy coat that is short and has a soft texture. This breed may have a heavier coat with an undercoat. There may be a ruff on the neck. Long-coated Chihuahuas should have a soft-textured flat coat. It may be slightly curly, and should have an undercoat. The ears should have a fringe of hair, feathering on the feet and legs, and has pants on the hind legs. The coat in the long-coated Chihuahua should not be too thin. The coat may be any color—solid, marked or splashed.