Look at the Basenji’s general appearance and size. The breed is short-backed and lightly built, giving it a tall appearance when compared to its length. The head is wrinkled and carried, quite proudly, on an arched neck. The tail is high and curled. The Basenji hunts by sight and scent. It does not bark, but is not mute. When it runs, it resembles a race horse trotting. The male Basenji should be 17 inches, while the female is 16 inches tall, with the same proportions from the front of the chest to the point of the buttocks. The Basenji male weighs about 24 pounds and the female weighs in at about 22 pounds.
Notice the head is carried proudly and the eyes are dark hazel or dark brown and almond shaped. The rims of the eyes should be dark. The ears are small and stand erect, but are slightly hooded and set forward on the top of the head. The skull is flat and is a medium width and tapers toward the eyes. The fore face tapers from the eyes to the muzzle and has a noticeable stop. The muzzle is shorter than the skull and has rounded cushions. The wrinkles on the forehead appear when the ears are erect. There should be side wrinkles, but they should not be exaggerated.
Note the neck and body. The neck should be rather lengthy and well-crested. The body should be balanced with a short back ending in a definite waist. The ribs should be down to the elbows and oval. The chest is of medium width and the tail is set high on the topline. It bends forward and lies curled to either side.
Check the fore- and hindquarters. The shoulders should be somewhat laid back. The shoulder blade and the upper should be about the same length. The elbows are firmly tucked in. The feet are small with thick pads and arched toes. The dewclaws are usually removed. The hindquarters are of medium width and they are strong and muscular. The feet should be the same as the forequarters--small with thick pads and arched toes.
Make sure the dog’s coat is short and fine. The skin is very pliant. The Basenji can be a chestnut red, pure black, tricolor mix of black and chestnut red or brindle. Brindles have black stripes on a chestnut red background. The feet will be all white, along with the chest and tail tip. The Basenji may have white legs, a white blaze or collar. There should never be more white than any primary color.