Begin by looking at the dog’s size and shape. It should be just a shade under a foot in height at the shoulder and weigh less than 14 pounds. Its back should arch slightly near the withers. The dog should have outward pointing legs, its forelegs angled forward while its rear legs are angled back. The tail should be very thick and stubby, being less than half the dog’s height in length, held upward energetically at all times.
Examine the dog’s coat. It should be very short and wiry. The dog should appear to have fur of many mixed colors, giving it the appearance that it is dirty even when it is clean. These colors should be principally tan with a grizzled wheat and red mixed in. Some small spots of white on the chest can appear too.
Look at the dog’s head. Its skull should be wide but short with a thick black nose and dark expressive eyes. The ears should be angled forward and triangular, folded over themselves. It’s mouth is usually open in the appearance of a smile, but the most telling feature of the breed are the thick bristles growing around the dog’s lips and chin. Many people feel that it bears a great similarity to the facial features of an otter. If the dog matches this description then it’s a Border Terrier.