How to Identify a Border Collie

The Border Collie originated in Northumberland on the Scottish/English border. This breed has incredible stamina and agility--able to run at full tilt for hours on end. They are very hardy and live to work. The Border Collie is incredibly loyal as well as intelligent. They are considered the finest sheepdog in the world and can adapt to herding other animals as well. This breed is known for being relatively quiet. Rather than barking to get the attention of its herd, a Border Collie will stare the herd down until the animals do as the dog wishes. It’s very surreal to watch. Here is a guide on how to identify a Border Collie.


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      Begin by examining the dog’s general shape and size. A Border Collie is typically between one and a half and two feet tall at the shoulder and weighs anywhere from 30 to 45 pounds. The tail reaches at least to the hock and is sometimes raised when the dog is excited, but is never carried over the back. The dog’s legs should seem a little short, it’s chest reaching all the way down to the dog’s front elbows.

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      Look at the dog’s fur coat. It should be long, soft, and shaggy except for the lower legs and face. The coat colors can be pure black, red and white or gray and black. Black is always the primary color which covers the majority of the dog’s back, upper portion of the skull and upper tail. The secondary color will cover the lower legs, tip of the tail, underbelly, chest, throat, sides of the neck and a vertical slash on the forehead.

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      Finish by examining the dog’s head. The skull is fairly wide with a distinct stop. The muzzle tapers to the black nose. The ears are usually half-perked. The oval eyes are generally dark brown, except in merles where one or more eyes may be blue. The hair on the face, ears and front legs is always short and sleek. If the dog matches this description then you’re looking at a Border Collie.