Examine the dog's general shape and size. This is a toy breed that rarely grows more than 1 foot in height and weighs no more than 9 or 10 lbs. These dogs are also boxy; the length of the body should be equal to the dog's height. The tail is less than half the dog's length and tends to curl over the backbone. The chest is deep and has wide ribs that reach all the way to the dog's elbows.
Examine the dog's fur. The best way to differentiate this breed from the similar Bichon Frise, though not an accurate way to identify the breed, is to look at the fur. A Frise's fur will be puffy and frizzy, of uniform length and very neat. A Bolognese's fur will be white, longer than that of a Frise and fluffy but not frizzy in that it does not stand straight up.
Look at the dog's head. It should be of medium size and of equal width and length. The eyes should be set forward and have black rims around the eyelids. The eyes should be large; no portion of the white in the dog's eyes should be visible. The ears should be wide, short and slightly floppy at the ends. The dog's jaw, though of normal size, should seem to have an underbite, thanks to slightly overdeveloped upper lips.