How to Select a Large Non-Shedding Dog Breed

Welcoming the right dog into your life is a happy, but sometimes complicated, process. Determining the right dog for you and your family requires more than choosing the cutest face. Personality, exercise requirements and size are just a few of the considerations. If anyone in your household has an allergy or asthma, selecting a dog that won't aggravate the condition is essential. While all dogs shed to some extent, there are a handful of large breeds that shed very little and are therefore considered hypo-allergenic.


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      Consult a veterinarian if anyone in your family has a dander allergy or asthma that could be triggered by proximity to a dog. A vet can suggest breeds less likely to affect that person.

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      Evaluate your lifestyle. If you live in an apartment or in a home with little or no yard, a large breed dog may not be right for you. However, if you are set on a large breed and don't have a lot of room, by committing to a daily schedule of walks and play time, you can make it work.

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      Compare the different large breeds considered hypo-allergenic. Airedale terriers can range from 35 to 100 pounds. Standard poodles weigh between 45 and 70 pounds, while Irish water spaniels weigh 55 to 85 pounds. Bergamascos are a distinct-looking breed weighing 70 to 85 pounds.

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      Determine which breed's grooming requirements you can handle. Airedales need regular brushing, but professional grooming is required only twice a year. Poodles, who have hair rather than fur, must be groomed every 6 to 8 weeks. Irish water spaniels don't need much grooming outside of a monthly cut to avoid matting. Bergamascos, despite having three different types of hair and the appearance of a mop, require very little grooming outside of a few baths throughout the year.

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      Decide which breed's physical requirements mesh with your lifestyle. Irish water spaniels and bergamascos are working breeds and do best if they have an outlet for their energy such as watching over children. Airedales also come from a working stock and require both mental and physical stimulation. Poodles are good family dogs that can be satisfied with a walk and play time.