How to Care for a Brittany Spaniel

Loyal, obedient, friendly and intelligent all aptly describe the Brittany or (Brittany Spaniel). The breed is still commonly referred to as Brittany Spaniel, although the AKC removed "Spaniel" from the name in the '80s and they are now officially known in the U.S. as Brittany or American Brittany. But no matter what you call them--Brittanys are an energetic and jolly breed--known for their attention-getting antics. Here are ways to care for this charming and relatively low-maintenance dog.


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      Spay or neuter your Brittany. Spaying females before the first heat prevents breast cancer and decreases the chance of uterine infections. Neutering male dogs before age four prevents testicular cancer, helps maintain a healthy prostate and curbs aggression.

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      Take your Brittany for regular medical checkups and stay current on vaccinations, flea and heartworm preventative. You can also do a monthly home exam of the skin, eyes, ears, nose, teeth and gums.

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      Have your Brittany's teeth cleaned regularly by a trained professional or veterinarian. Ask them to recommend a schedule. Preventative dental maintenance can include: feeding dry dog food (which can be mixed with canned or moist), safe tartar-control chew toys and dog biscuits as treats. You may also choose to clean your dog's teeth weekly with a dog toothpaste.

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      Feed your Brittany a nutritious diet with the proper balance of protein, carbs, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. If feeding a commercial dog food, choose a quality brand with meat as the first ingredient.

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      Make sure your Britt gets regular exercise such as brisk walks or jogs. They are a high-energy breed and tend to get restless without sufficient exercise. A good-sized yard to play in is ideal, but they can, however, adjust to apartment living.

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      Brush your Brittany's coat occasionally. Their shedding is generally light to moderate. Brushing with a pin brush followed by a natural bristle brush works well.

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      Bathe your Britt occasionally. Check the ears regularly, especially if he's been out playing in grass or brush. Clean the ears with baby oil or an ear cleaning solution for dogs. Trim the nails regularly to a comfortable length.