Take your flat coated retriever to the veterinarian immediately after purchasing or adopting. If using a breeder, make sure he is reputable. Your puppy must be checked for basic health and tested for disease.
Feed your dog a quality puppy and dog food. Retrievers must be carefully monitored as they grow to prevent common problems such as hip dysplasia. Purchase high quality foods engineered with the proper balance of proteins and fats.
Keep your flat coated retriever's nails trimmed and ears and teeth cleaned. Do this yourself or take him to a groomer. Usually, once a month grooming is adequate. Purchase treats designed to keep your dog's breath and teeth clean and fresh.
Brush the dog's coat once a week with a bristle brush. Flat coated retrievers require little coat care. Only bathe your dog when necessary to avoid drying out his skin and coat. The natural oils keep it looking shiny and beautiful.
Exercise your dog daily. Bored and under-exercised flat coated retrievers quickly develop bad habits like digging or chewing. Begin training with your retriever when he's young. Retrievers are highly trainable and respond well to obedience work.
Visit your veterinarian annually for vaccination boosters. Give your dog a monthly flea and heartworm preventative year round.