How to Buy a Bird Dog

Bird dogs are also known as hunting dogs, but not all hunting dogs are bird dogs. Particular breeds of dogs are specific for different types of hunts. When choosing a bird dog, there are particulars characteristics that you'll want to look for.


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      Decide on the type of bird that you'll hunt. Different dogs are better at assisting with the hunt of certain birds. Retrievers are great when it comes to retrieving wounded birds when they fall into the water. The retriever has no aversion to how cold the water is. If you continue to drop the birds into the water, the Retriever will continue to bring them to you. English Pointers silently point to birds hidden beneath foilage.

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      Find a reputable pet store or breeder to purchase your bird dog. Ask the pet dealer for contact names of former customers so that you can assess their satisfaction with the new dog.

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      Tolerate other dogs and people. If you are hunting with others and their dogs, it's essential that you train your dog so that it's obedient and sociable. If you hire your dog(s) out, it must obey whom he is working for.

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      Train the dog to get along with the hunter's family. The hunter spends a lot of time with the dog, and it will more than likely become a family dog as well as an assistant on hunting trips. It's important for the dog to fit in.