Take note of the size of the dog you want to identify. Yorkshire terriers are small dogs with compact bodies which usually maintain and upright posture. From the ground to the shoulders, they are 6 or 7 inches tall. They weigh, on average, 7 lbs.
Look at the dog's ears. The Yorkshire terrier has small, pointy, V-shaped ears which stand erect or partially erect at all times. They have abbreviated tails which angle up only slightly from their back.
Observe the coat. Yorkshire terriers have long strands of straight hair which sometimes extend from their back as far as the ground. The hair is fine and with a silky texture.
Notice the color of the coat. Yorkshire terriers are black and tan when born, but become lighter in color as they grow older. Mature dogs have a blue colored hair on their backs, darker blue around their tails and tan around the legs, chest and head.
See if the dog's personality characteristics match up with a Yorkshire terrier's. Because of their breeding as rodent hunters, Yorkshire terriers are courageous dogs, usually independent and full of vigor.
Go to the website of the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America to see pictures of Yorkshire terriers and read about the breed. Then you can identify if the dog's characteristics are a match with Yorkshire terriers.
How to Identify a Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire terriers, known for their small size and big personality, are the second most popular dog breed in the United States. They were originally bred as small hunting dogs, used to hunt down mice and rats in confined spaces. These unique dogs are easy to identify if you know their characteristics. Read on to learn more.