How to Care for a Border Terrier

The sturdy border terrier has a plain appearance and doesn't call much attention to itself. It is an even-tempered, social dog that sheds very little. If you need to care for a border terrier, you're in luck as this breed has very few specific grooming and discipline needs.


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      If you don't have one already, build a fence to keep a border terrier in check. Border terriers are active dogs and don't like being confined to small spaces.

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      Keep a border terrier outside. These sturdy dogs like to run and play, and they can become bored if kept indoors for long periods of time. Border terriers like to dig, so consider that when planting a garden or doing other landscaping.

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      Groom a border terrier sparingly. Bathe and brush him weekly and take him to the groomers twice a year.

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      Protect small animals, such as pet hamsters or birds, from the border terriers. These dogs were bred to be hunters, and they will instinctively chase any small moving object.

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      Train your terrier. Although the border terrier is agile and easy to discipline, he has a mind of his own. Enrolling him in a professional training course as a pup is the best way to prevent problems as he gets older.

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      Get used to barking. A border terrier barks at the slightest provocation, so keep him indoors while you're away so he doesn't annoy the neighbors.