How to Care for a West Highland White Terrier

A West Highland White Terrier is known for loyalty and an abundance of energy. Some Westies are good lap dogs, while others prefer independence or a quiet corner. Easy to train and highly intelligent, a Westie can make a great pet. If you're looking for a dog that will shed minimally, a West Highland White Terrier is the one for you.


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      Get to know your West Highland White Terrier by spending quality time each day with it. A little attention goes a long way, and the Westie will reward you with loyalty.

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      Train your West Highland White Terrier with a new trick every few weeks. Westies are quick to master tricks with some repetition. Consistency is the key to learning new tricks. Once the West Highland White Terrier masters one trick, move on to another.

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      Contact your vet to determine if your dog has allergies. West Highland White Terriers can be allergic to certain foods. One sign of allergies is constant sneezing and scratching.

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      Maintain a West Highland Terrier's coat by daily brushing and monthly bathing. Begin this routine when your West Highland Terrier is a puppy. Use a shampoo for sensitive skin. Trim the coat every two months.

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      Maintain the health of the West Highland White Terrier by brushing its teeth twice a week using a fingertip brush or doggy toothbrush. Purchase toothpaste made for dogs.

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      Spay or neuter your West Highland White Terrier unless you plan to breed it.