Feed your tiny Chihuahua frequent, small meals. Because these dogs are so small, they can't store enough glucose to go very long without eating and are prone to hypoglycemia.
Keep a sweater on your Chihuahua when you take him out in cold weather, or keep him inside and train him to go on newspaper or puppy pads.
Put a drop of baby oil in her eyes before you give her a bath. These little dogs tend to get dry, irritated eyes anyway, and you don't want to make it worse by getting soap in them.
Skip the baths for a short-haired teacup Chihuahua. Clean him with a damp cloth.
Socialize your Teacup Chihuahua early by exposing her to different people and other pets under your supervision, but do protect her at all times. These dogs know that they are small and can become easily frightened, often resorting to biting even if other pets or children are well intentioned.