How to Select a Basenji

Originally from Egypt, basenjis, often called "African barkless dogs," will never bark. These graceful runners are warm, friendly "people dogs" that are bred to hunt. Basenjis are built small and may be chestnut, red, black, black and tan or brindle (gray with dark streaks or spots).

Things You'll Need

  • Dog Behavior Books
  • Dog Beds
  • Dog Bones
  • Dog Dish Mats
  • Dog Dishes
  • Dog Leashes
  • Dog Pillows
  • Dog Tags
  • Dog Treats
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      Consider purchasing a basenji if you are looking for a playful, energetic and intelligent dog that likes to be around people. Realize that these dogs need constant attention and will follow you everywhere you go.

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      Think about getting a basenji if you are looking for a dog that sheds very little. Basenjis have short hair, are generally very clean and have no dog odor.

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      Consider the dog's features. Look for a black nose with dark, almond-shaped eyes; small pointed ears that sit forward on the head; a long neck with a deep chest; muscular hindquarters with straight legs; small, narrow and compact feet; and a silky coat with white on the feet, chest and tail tip.

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      Keep in mind that while basenjis do not look physically intimidating, they are still very good watchdogs and will defend their territory fiercely. Females can grow to 16 inches at the shoulder, with a full-grown weight of 22 lbs. Males can grow to 17 inches at the shoulder, with a full-grown weight of 24 lbs.

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      Note that basenjis do not bark. If you live near people who are bothered by barking dogs, this is the dog for you. But keep in mind that basenjis do squeak, howl and cry.

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      Expect your basenji to get along with adults, children and pets that do well with other animals and children.

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      Reconsider purchasing a basenji if the animal won't have company throughout the day - either an opposite-sex canine companion or a human (you or doggy day care).

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      Adopt a basenji only if you have a lot of time and patience. Basenjis that come from rescue centers often have had little training and affection. Be prepared to spend a lot of time with your basenji, showing him gentle, affectionate care. It can take up to a month after adoption before he becomes comfortable with you.

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      Remember that a basenji is an energetic dog. People who want a calm, independent dog will probably not be happy with a basenji.

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      Be prepared to enjoy 10 to 15 years (the dog's life expectancy) with your basenji.