How to Select a Doberman Pinscher

Regal in appearance, the Doberman pinscher comes from Germany and is bred to be a guard dog. The Doberman is kind, loyal and very protective of its family and property. However, because this breed can be very dominant with people and aggressive with other dogs, it isn't a good pet for first-time dog owners.

Things You'll Need

  • Dental Kits (for Dogs)
  • Dog Collars
  • Dog Food
  • Dog Leashes
  • Dog Tags
  • Dog Toys
  • Dog Training Aids
  • Dog Training Leashes/collars
  • Nail Clippers For Dogs
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      Know that you'll need to devote much time to socializing, training and caring for your dog. Dobermans can be hard to handle, and need firm and consistent guidance.

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      Reconsider getting a Doberman if you plan to leave the dog outdoors or won't be able to offer it companionship during the day. Dobermans are family dogs and need constant attention.

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      Select a Doberman pinscher if you're looking for a good watchdog. Dobermans are bred to guard and watch and are eager to do so.

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      Choose a Doberman pinscher if you're looking for a loving, family dog. Contrary to popular rumor, this breed can be very gentle and affectionate with people and safe with children if properly socialized and trained.

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      Note that Dobermans don't do well in cold weather and are definitely not outdoor dogs. But they do need a good-size yard to play in.

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      Look at a Doberman pinscher's features when choosing yours. The dog should appear energetic and bold, with a powerful body that is compact and muscular. The short, smooth coat will be colored either black, red, blue or fawn with rust markings.

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      Understand that Doberman pinschers are prone to certain health conditions such as cervical spondylitis (skeletal abnormality of the three cervical vertebrae), Von Willebrand's disease (a bleeding disorder), obesity, bloat, hip dysplasia (a malformed ball and socket in the hip joint) and heart problems.

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      Check out potential breeders very carefully, being sure to ask if they are members of breed clubs, specialty clubs or obedience clubs. Affiliation with a club means you can check their references to make sure that they don't run a puppy mill (a place where puppies are constantly bred for financial gain without consideration of the integrity of the breed) and that they screen for health problems before they breed.

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      Note that male Dobermans will grow to 26 to 28 inches and weigh 66 to 88 lbs. Females will grow to 24 to 26 inches and also weigh 66 to 88 lbs.

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      Realize that you'll probably pay between $300 and $1,500 for a purebred Doberman pinscher.

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      Know that a Doberman's life expectancy is 13 years.