What does a Golden Retriever look like?

Physical Characteristics:

Size: Golden retrievers are medium to large-sized dogs. The average height at the shoulder is around 24 inches for males and 22 inches for females. They typically weigh between 55 to 75 pounds (25 to 34 kilograms) when fully grown.

Body Type: Golden retrievers have a well-proportioned and athletic build, with a slightly elongated body. They are muscular yet agile and well-suited for both water activities and land-based tasks.

Coat: Golden retrievers are renowned for their luxurious, water-resistant double coat. The outer coat is straight or slightly wavy, while the dense undercoat provides insulation. The coat is primarily golden in color, but some individuals may exhibit variations such as light cream or darker golden shades.

Head: The head of a Golden retriever is broad, with a well-defined stop. The skull is slightly domed, and the muzzle is broad and powerful, with a strong jaw. The nose is black, except in rare cases of light-colored dogs, where it may be dark brown.

Eyes: Golden retrievers have expressive, almond-shaped eyes that are typically dark brown. They have a friendly and intelligent gaze, contributing to their reputation as affectionate and gentle companions.

Ears: The ears of a Golden retriever are moderately long and hang close to the head, reaching around halfway down the muzzle when pulled forward. They are triangular in shape and well-proportioned to the overall size of the dog.

Tail: Golden retrievers have long, feathery tails that are one of the most recognizable features of the breed. The tail is typically carried level with the back, or it may be slightly elevated when the dog is excited.

Overall Appearance: Golden retrievers have a well-balanced, graceful look, reflecting their versatility as both working and companion dogs. Their harmonious proportions and pleasing expression enhance their reputation as amiable and adaptable canine friends.