The upfront cost for adopting a purebred pup from a reputable breeder tends to be quite a bit more than the typical cost for a mixed-breed. Expect to pay anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars for a purebred dog. Adopting a purebred from a rescue or shelter may reduce the price. Additionally, some breeders put older purebreds up for adoption at reduced costs.
Reputable breeders work hard to produce dogs that conform to breed standards set by organizations such as the American Kennel Club. Selective breeding leads to purebreds being more likely to possess genetic problems. According to "The Purebred Paradox," an article originally published in the May/June issue of All Animals magazine, the decreased gene pool makes it more likely that two dogs with bad recessive genes will be crossed. This can lead to serious and deadly diseases.
Adopting a purebred dog based on the breed's personality profile can be a double-edged sword. Even if you like the look and size of Chihuahuas, that doesn't mean you're the best owner for these little, stubborn, high-energy dogs. Likewise, you may want a calm, family friendly animal but do not have the space for a great Dane. On the other hand, there's no guarantee that a dog will develop personality traits consistent with its breed.
Breed Specific Legislation
Depending on the breed of dog you desire, you may have to deal with breed specific legislation. These laws, typically enacted at a city level, prohibit residents from possessing dogs that belong to certain breeds. Rottweilers and pit bull breeds are common targets for this type of legislation. In addition to city laws, many apartment complexes and home owners associations prohibit certain breeds or require residents to have extra insurance.