What Are the Differences Between Bullmastiffs & Boerboels?

Bullmastiffs and African boerboels are both part of the mastiff family. The two breeds of dogs look similar side by side, but they do have distinct differences -- you just have to know what to look for. Both bullmastiffs and boerboels can make great family pets; both breeds are very loving dogs. When deciding which breed you want, consider their differences before making your choice.
  1. Size

    • Bullmastiffs and African boerboels are similar in height: Males range from 25 inches to 28 inches at the shoulder or withers and females from 23 to 26 inches. Bullmastiffs usually weigh less than boerboels, ranging from 100 to 130 lbs., while boerboels range from 140-200 pounds. Both breeds have muscular builds, so they do need regular exercise to prevent obesity. A brisk 20- to 30-minute walk each day, or some playtime outside chasing a ball, will help to keep dogs of these breeds fit and trim.

    Life Expectancy and Health Issues

    • The life expectancy of both breeds varies, but boerboels tend to live longer lives. Boerboels live an average of 12 to 15 years, while bullmastiffs live about eight to 10 years. Bullmastiffs are prone to suffer from a few health issues. Heath problems to be aware of for the bullmastiff are hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, (which can cause blindness), hypothyroidism, lymphoma cancer and entropion, which causes the eyelid to roll inward. Boerboels are a healthier breed, with only two major health issues: hip dysplasia and vaginal hyperplasia. Neither health issue is fatal, but they are issues that you will need to tend to if they occur.


    • Both breeds are very loyal to their families and love to play, especially with children. They love their owners and may become very protective of them. The Boerboel will protect not only his family but also his family̵7;s property; therefore, if you are looking for a guard dog, the boerboel may be the better choice. The bullmastiff is extremely loyal to his family and will protect you when he feels you are in danger; however, he will most likely not protect your property unless he feels that there is a threat to his family. Both breeds are family dogs that love children. Bullmastiffs tend to do better around strangers if they know the family is okay with them, but boerboels must become comfortable with new people before they will accept them. As far as guarding, a boerboel may bite or attack someone that they see as a threat, whereas a bullmastiff will usually grab hold of the person and "lock" its jaws, which will prevent the person from getting away; but they will not usually bite or attack the person. Both breeds want to be around people, thus they do not like to be away from you, or outside alone, for too long.


    • Bullmastiffs and boerboels require minimal grooming. A simple bath once or twice a month will help to keep both breeds' skin and coat clean and healthy. Both breeds have thick, durable nails that you should trim regularly to prevent the dogs from slipping or having problems walking. You may find light shedding with both breeds; but with routine brushing, you may not notice shedding at all. As with every breed, always look your dog over for fleas and ticks.