Difference Between a Welsh Terrier and a Lakeland Terrier

Fans of terrier dog breeds may have a difficult time discerning between the Welsh terrier and the Lakeland terrier; to the untrained eye, the two breeds are similar in appearance. However similar the breeds are, there are still several noticeable distinctions that easily tell them apart, if you know what to look for. The differences include hair color and muzzle appearance. Learn about the differences between each breed before considering either as pets.
  1. Welsh Terrier Description

    • Originally known as the Old English or black-and-tan wired terrier, the Welsh terrier is native to Wales and is known as a friendly, "spirited" dog breed. This medium-size dog has tan hair with a black "jacket," and black hair may also be featured around its bushy muzzle. The hair is coarse and wire-textured, and the body is compact with a rectangle-shaped head and a short tail. The ears are small and V-shaped. Longer hair is featured on the front legs as well. Welsh terriers love to dig and swim; they were originally sporting dogs used for their skill at hunting medium-size game such as fox, otter and badger.

    Lakeland Terrier Description

    • The Lakeland terrier is an English dog breed that has been around since the 1800s; it is one of the oldest terrier dog breeds still in existence. The breed comes in numerous colors, including black, liver, blue, red and wheaten, though they can sometimes feature a different-color "jacket" on their shoulders and back. Lakeland terriers are known for their distinct, beardlike muzzle and the longer hair on their front legs. Body type is square and deep yet narrow. The Lakeland terrier has a short tail. A medium-size dog, this terria has a head that is rectangular, with short V-shaped ears. Lakeland terriers are known as a bold, friendly breed suitable for many environment types.


    • Lakeland terriers and Welsh terriers are similar in body and tail shape, as both have rectangular heads and short tails that are almost identically shaped. Both breeds were developed in the British Isles as hunting dogs, and both are known for friendly dispositions. Like Welsh terriers, Lakeland terriers may feature "jackets" on their shoulders and back. The muzzles of both dogs are bushy, giving each a bearded appearance, and both coats are wiry with longer hair on their front legs.


    • Though the "beards" of both dogs are bushy, the Lakeland terrier features a much fuller beard. While the hair color of the Welsh breed is unchanging, the Lakeland breed can come in a variety of colors. The Lakeland terrier also has a narrower body type than the Welsh terrier. Lakelands are smaller than Welsh terriers, as adult Lakelands are about 14½ inches from withers to the ground while Welsh terriers are generally between 15 and 15½ inches. The neck of the Lakeland is slightly longer than the Welsh terrier's, as well.