When grooming a dog should the whiskers be clipped?

No, you should not clip a dog's whiskers.

Whiskers, also known as vibrissae, are highly sensitive hairs that play a crucial role in a dog's senses and overall well-being. They provide important information about:

* Touch: Whiskers detect changes in air pressure, allowing dogs to sense objects and navigate in the dark.

* Navigation: They help dogs understand their surroundings and avoid obstacles.

* Prey detection: Whiskers can detect small movements and vibrations, aiding in hunting.

* Communication: They can convey emotions and intentions.

Clipping whiskers can have negative consequences:

* Impaired senses: Dogs rely on their whiskers for essential sensory information, and clipping them can significantly reduce their ability to navigate, detect prey, and avoid danger.

* Confusion and stress: Without their whiskers, dogs may become disoriented, stressed, and anxious.

* Increased risk of injury: Dogs may be more prone to bumping into objects and getting injured if they can't sense their surroundings properly.


Clipping a dog's whiskers is not recommended and can have serious consequences for their health and well-being. It's best to leave their whiskers intact to ensure their safety and sensory abilities.