How to Clean Muddy Dog Paws Before Coming In

April showers bring May flowers, but for dog owners, the showers may bring muddy paws and necessitate spending time and effort removing muddy paw prints from the carpets, rugs and floor. However, you can minimize the work and make your life easier by cleaning muddy paws before your dog comes into the house.
  1. Absorbent Mats

    • Place one absorbent and washable mat just outside the entrance door and another one just inside. This is to prevent the dog from skipping over the mat outside and coming indoors. Train your dog to stand on one of the mats until you clean its paws. This may require a few days' training but is worth the time and effort you put in. It is best to train the dog when it is not raining, so that behavior is learned before the need arises. Use treats to motivate the dog to stay on the mat. Once the mats absorb most of the dirt and water from the paws, wash them before reusing.

    Wiping the Paws

    • Use an old towel to wipe individual paws while your dog is standing on the mat. Lift the each paw gently and wipe dry and remove the mud. Once the paws are clean and mud-free, allow the dog indoors. Some dogs may resist the handling of their paws. These dogs will require training to get used to it. Begin by initially touching the paws while it is standing. Once the dog allows you to touch the paws, graduate to touching the paws with a towel. After a few days, lift each paw and wipe with the towel. Give the dog a treat for allowing you to do so. Soon your dog will let you lift the paws and clean them. Keep the things you require to clean your dog's muddy paws near the entrance, so that you can easily access them before your dog gets impatient and decides to come in with the mud still on its paws.

    Dry Dog Shampoo

    • If the mud dries on the paws before it is cleaned, you might feel like giving your dog a bath. But you can avoid giving the dog a bath if its hasn't got mud anywhere else on the body. Apply dry dog shampoo on the paws. This helps to remove clumps of dried mud. Just spray it on the paws and wipe clean using a clean, dry cloth. This type of shampoo is available in pet supplies stores or online.

    Dog Booties

    • If cleaning your dog's muddy paws seems like a chore, get your dog used to wearing dog booties when going out. This will protect the paws from getting muddy and wet. These booties are also designed to protect the dog's paws in winter from the cold and ice. You can buy dog booties from online pet stores or traditional pet stores that have supplies for dogs.