Grooming an Australian Labradoodle

Australian labradoodles are a crossbreed between a miniature or standard poodle and a Labrador retriever. Australian labradoodles are known for their low-shedding coat as well as their mild temperament and docile nature. As a result of its lack of shedding and curly coat, regular grooming is required to keep your dog healthy.
  1. Regular Brushing

    • Due to the curly and thick coat of a mature Australian labradoodle, regular brushing on a daily basis is required to remove the old coat. Unlike other breeds of dogs, Australian labradoodles have no natural way of shedding their old coats. Infrequent brushing will result in matting of the undercoat, which then must be cut out. Daily brushing helps simulate the effect of natural shedding.

    Thinning Shears

    • To reduce the density of the coat as well as remove clumps and mats from a lack of brushing, using thinning shears on a regular basis will help untangle your labradoodle's curly locks. If you are looking to actually shorten the length of your dog's hair, use a combination of shears and clippers. Shortening the length of your dog's hair as well as thinning out its coat is ideal for summer weather as well as an outdoor lifestyle. While in the woods or outside, dogs attract insects like fleas and ticks. Medicine can be administered to get rid of pests, but a short cut will keep much of your dog's skin more visible, making it easier to see and feel for bugs while allowing your dog to not be weighed down by a heavy coat. By contrast, a long coat keeps your dog warm in winter.


    • While your Australian labradoodle may frequently get dirty, it is important to keep bathing to a minimum in order to preserve the quality of its coat. Often, natural debris, such as dirt and mud, will dry and flake off of your Australian labradoodle with a gentle brushing. If you do decide to bathe your Australian labradoodle, wash your dog with regular water and dog shampoo, applying a detangler at the end of the bath to help keep the hair smooth. Allow your dog to air-dry to prevent further tangling.

    Professional Grooming

    • If the tangles in the coat of your Australian labradoodle are too much for you to deal with, hire a professional groomer to shear and groom your dog. Grooming must be performed every four to six weeks, allowing time for your dog's hair to grow freely before it is maintained and cleaned. In addition to experience, professional groomers will have all of the proper materials required to shampoo, clip and clean your dog properly.