How to Groom a Full-Coated Yorkshire Terrier

Full-coated Yorkshire terriers that are not clipped need frequent grooming. Yorkies are single-coated dogs with long, silky fur that is prone to matting or tangling if it is not brushed or combed several times a week. Yorkshire terriers don't have the same type of hair that most breeds do, which is what makes them wonderful choices for people with allergies. Their hair is more like human hair and requires more attention. There are two types of Yorkshire terrier coats: soft and silky. A silky coat is typical of the breed; a soft coat is less common and more difficult to handle because it mats and tangles easily. Soft coats require daily brushing to avoid this. Ask the breeder what type of coat your Yorkie has.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft pin brush
  • Light spray conditioner
  • Hairdryer
  • Wide-tooth comb
  • Yarn or latex bands
  • Grinding tool or dog nail clippers
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      Brush the Yorkie with a soft pin brush before bathing to find and remove any mats or tangles. Use a pin brush with a rubber back and metal pins, without rubber-tipped ends which can break Yorkie hair.

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      Bathe your Yorkie as needed before grooming. Most Yorkies need to be bathed at least once a month, more often if they are dirty or their hair appears greasy. Use a mild shampoo made for soft coat types or Yorkie hair. Avoid rubbing the hair in circles or back and forth while washing. This will tangle it. Use only a light conditioner or a spray conditioner after bathing a full Yorkie coat. Heavy conditioners will weigh the hair down and attract dirt more quickly.

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      Pat the dog dry with a towel. Stand it on a grooming table and gently blow the hair dry with a hairdryer on low heat in the direction it grows. Once dry, spray the dog with a light conditioner before brushing.

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      Brush your dog with the pin brush, and follow with a wide-tooth comb.

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      Tie the hair on top of your Yorkie's head in a top knot, so the dog's eyes are not covered with hair. Gather the hair starting at the outer edge of the eye and toward the top of the head to the outer edge of the other eye. Use yarn or latex bands made for this purpose.

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      Keep your Yorkie's full coat healthy with daily brushing.

      Trim the bottom of the dog's feet between the paw pads and around the edge of the foot. Trim the nails with a grinding tool or nail clippers made for dogs. Nails should be trimmed at least monthly.