Topical Home Remedy for a Dog With Flaky Skin

Flaky skin is a collective term that can describe a symptom associated with several types of skin disorders. Such skin disorders may stem from food allergies, environmental dryness or skin irritants such as harsh shampoos. Topical home remedies made from non-toxic ingredients are effective in treating as well as preventing flaky skin in dogs. Grocery stores and health food stores carry most of the necessary ingredients.
  1. Vinegar Remedy

    • Topical home remedies for dogs with flaky skin can be used in between extended grooming sessions to improve skin and coat conditions. When skin and coat become soiled with dirt and debris it can increase skin irritation, resulting in flakiness. Combine one-fourth cup distilled white vinegar to one-half gallon of water as a topical remedy to remove odor and grim that keeps skin and coat clean as well as smelling fresh.

    Oatmeal Remedy

    • Topical home remedies using oatmeal can reduce symptoms associated with flakiness due to allergies or dryness as well as relieve itchy skin. Oatmeal soaks for dogs that are allergic to additives in foods, detergents or suffer from winter dryness is simple and effective. Combine 1 cup finely ground oatmeal to 1 quart warm water (1 cup baking soda is optional) to make a skin-softening soak. Allow the mixture to rest on the dog's skin for about 5 minutes before rinsing clean with warm water and drying the coat with a towel.


    • Not all home remedies that are safe for humans are safe for dogs. Aloe, for instance, which used by humans as a skin conditioner, is listed by the ASPCA as toxic to dogs. Before using any ingredient that you are not familiar with, contact your veterinarian to determine if it is safe for dogs and in what quantity before using it. Never use human bath products or medicated products that are not designed for pets.


    • While topical remedies offer relief, flaky skin is usually associated with an underlying skin disorder. Switching foods is the only effective treatment for food allergies that result in flaky skin. Stress such as changes in your dog's routine can also cause flaky skin. Irritantss like fleas, pollen and dust require medication and pest control to eliminate the problem.