Grooming the Head of a Border Terrier

Originally prized as fox hunters, border terriers are treasured by many families today for their cheerful and affectionate natures, intelligence and obedience. Although border terriers' short, wiry coats don't shed much fur, they do experience a gradual build up of overgrown dead hair that experts suggest should be removed about twice a year. Because the hair is dead, owners can pull it without causing their pets any significant discomfort.

Things You'll Need

  • Non-slip surface
  • Stripping knife (optional)
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    • 1

      Place your dog on a non-slip surface at a height that allows you to work comfortably.

    • 2

      Grasp the dog's neck firmly with one hand to keep its head from moving.

    • 3

      Trap a few hairs between your other hand's thumb and index finger. If you are using a stripping knife, trap the hairs between your thumb and the knife's underside.

    • 4

      Pull out the hairs firmly and quickly. Always pull in the direction of the hair's growth.

    • 5

      Continue grasping and pulling a few hairs at a time, beginning with the top of the dog's head and working down towards the eyes.

    • 6

      Pull out the dead hair evenly from the dog's cheeks, then remove any dead hair in front of or inside its ears.

    • 7

      End by carefully removing any excess whiskers, but keep in mind that border terriers should have a few short whiskers.