How to Cut the Mustache & Beard on a Labradoodle

Breeders created the labradoodle by mating a labrador retriever with a poodle. A labradoodle̵7;s hair appears either soft or wiry and can form curls or grow straight. This breed̵7;s hair grows year round to a length of about three to five inches and it grows evenly across the entire body, including the face. If left untrimmed, the hair on the dog̵7;s ̶0;beard̶1; under its chin and ̶0;moustache̶1; on the sides of its snout will collect food and water and interfere with the dog's eating and pleasing appearance.

Things You'll Need

  • Newspaper
  • Dog grooming scissors
  • Dog grooming comb with thin-to-medium spacing
  • Spray water bottle
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    • 1

      Lay newspapers on a clean area of the floor or on a table. Place your dog on the newspapers. Depending on your labradoodle̵7;s temperament, you may need to leash your pet or have another person hold and calm your dog while you groom it.

    • 2

      Spray water from the water bottle on the dog's snout and face. This moisture will help the comb break up any food or dirt caught in the hair around your dog̵7;s mouth.

    • 3

      Comb out the hair on your dog̵7;s entire face. Hold the hair near the skin with the fingers of one hand as you gently pull the comb through the beard and moustache. This process will remove any knots and ensure that you can cut the hair evenly.

    • 4

      Create a clean, open appearance on your labradoodle̵7;s face during summer and hotter months. Pull the beard hair away from the snout just under your labradoodle̵7;s mouth and cut it with the scissors to just above the skin. Repeat this process the entire length of the snout back to the dog̵7;s neck to leave an even jaw line or your dog.

    • 5

      Finish the clean, open appearance on your labradoodle̵7;s face by combing out the hair on the right side of the mouth and holding it in between your fingers. Cut it with the scissors to a half-inch from the snout and then repeat this process for the left side of his face. This trimming will create a clean look around your labradoodle̵7;s mouth.

    • 6

      Shape the beard and moustache for a V-appearance during the colder months. Pull the hair of the beard out with the comb and hold it in the fingers of one hand. Use the other hand to trim the beard hair to three-quarters to one inch in length along the entire jaw line back to the neck.

    • 7

      Trim the moustache to taper into the V-appearance. Comb the hair out away from the snout and trim it so the tips hang just below the opening of the mouth. Create a fade away from the mouth by trimming the hair on the side of the snout a bit shorter; this fade will accentuate the ̶0;moustache̶1; appearance when looking at the dog̵7;s face from the front.

    • 8

      Accentuate the clean or V-appearance by trimming the hair around the eyes to suit each look. Cut the hair over the eyes short to match the clean look; emphasize the V-appearance by trimming the eyebrow hair to hang just over the eyes.