How to Groom a Matted Bichon

The bichon frise is a dog with a cheerful disposition and an impressive coat. The top layer is coarse and curly, while the undercoat is silky. This rich coat grows continually and requires regular and careful grooming. Lack of such grooming results in tangles, which are difficult to remove. Cutting out the tangles is one solution to get rid of mats, but this leaves holes in your dog's coat. Perform a careful dematting to avoid cutting out the tangles.

Things You'll Need

  • Tweezers
  • Detangling solution
  • V-shaped comb
  • Wide-toothed comb
  • Pin brush
  • Blending shears
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      Identify the tangled areas. Areas such as the base of the legs, under the tail, between the front legs and around the ears are most susceptible to matting.

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      Remove any debris or visible dirt with a pair of tweezers. Matted fur tends to gather leaves, dust, dirt and other debris.

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      Apply a detangling solution over the tangled areas. Wet, slippery hair is easier to untangle and the hairs are less likely to break. If you don't have a detangler, simply wet your bichon's hair or dilute hair conditioner and spread it over the entire affected area.

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      Separate the matted fur into smaller sections. Use your fingers or a V-shaped comb. If this technique fails, use a pair of scissors to cut the mat into strips. Hold the base of the mat between your fingers when you cut to avoid cutting into the dog's skin.

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      Comb through one small, tangled piece at a time. Use a wide-toothed comb. Hold the hair with one hand and comb with the other to reduce the discomfort of your pet. Continue combing small pieces until all matted areas are untangled.

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      Brush the dog's hair with a pin brush after untangling the problem areas.