How to Groom Chessies

The Chesapeake Bay retriever is a large dog, often referred to as a Chessie. The breed standard of female Chessies is between 55 and 70 pounds, while males should weigh between 65 and 80 pounds, but they can reach weights of around 100 pounds. This breed comes in many different colors, and when properly taken care of, they should live between 12 and 14 years. Overall, Chessies are a healthy dog breed that needs minimal grooming.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog shampoo
  • Soft bristle brush
  • Small scissors
  • Nail clippers
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      Use a soft bristle brush to comb away the excess hair your Chesapeake Bay retriever is shedding. Wire brushes can permanently damage the coat and should never be used on this breed of dog. Excessive brushing will pull out the undercoat, so brush once a week at most and avoid brushing if your dog is not shedding. Use the soft bristle brush by starting at the head and gently brushing towards the tail. Make sure to brush the entire body, and remove excess hair from the brush as you go.

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      Give your Chessie a bath only when there is dirt that needs to be washed off or an odor that needs to be eliminated. Bathing your dog will strip the natural oils that protect the dog̵7;s coat. Chesapeake Bay retrievers love to swim and play in water, so allowing them to do that should keep the dirt and odor minimal. When you do need to give them a bath, purchase a dog shampoo from a pet store or veterinarian̵7;s office. Gently massage the shampoo into the dog̵7;s hair, and make sure to rinse thoroughly to remove all the residue that shampoo leaves behind. Gently dry your dog with a towel, or let him air dry.

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      Trim excess hair in the paw or ear area. If you notice hair sticking out of the paw pads, you can trim it using a small pair of scissors until the hair is even with the pad. You can pluck out any hair growing in the ears just to improve the look of your dog. Most Chesapeake Bay retrievers will run and get enough exercise that they wear down their nails on their own. If you notice long nails, you can use nail clippers to trim the nails. When trimming the nails, only trim the dead white area inside of the nails. Once the nail texture and color begins to change, stop trimming. Clip the nail in small increments to make sure you do not trim too far. Trimming too far will cut the quick and cause bleeding and pain for the dog.