How to Use Thinning Scissors for Excess Hair in Dog Grooming

Thinning out excess hair on a dog's coat can make the dog more comfortable and have a cleaner, more attractive appearance. The purpose of thinning shears is to remove excess fur and blend the dog's coat so no apparent lines or blunt edges of fur show. The finer the shears are, the softer and fuzzier the coat will feel. With proper use of thinning shears, your dog will appear to have a naturally groomed coat.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash or restraint
  • Table or other dog grooming area
  • Thinning shears
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      Restrain your dog. Use a professional dog grooming table or a flat, smooth surface where the dog cannot get away from you. Hold your dog with a groomer's leash or a harness. Thinning shears are sharp and can hurt your dog if it decides to move suddenly while you are thinning the coat.

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      Brush your dog's coat to remove any snarls.

      Brush your dog's coat, removing any loose hair or debris. The fewer tangles your dog has in its coat, the easier the thinning process will be.

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      Select the area in which you wish to thin your dog's hair. Place the thinning shears with the hinged opening close to your dog's skin, with the teeth angled away from the dog to avoid injury.

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      Smooth the coat and examine your work. Do not cut so much fur without checking the overall look, or else you will cut too much fur from your dog. Check your thinning work frequently to avoid taking off too much hair.

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      Cut the fur with the shears and gently pull slightly upward and away from the dog's body to thin the coat.

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      Hold the shears with the teeth facing down and snip the coat quickly without pulling the shears away to blend the fur.