Yorkie Maintenance & Grooming

A Yorkshire Terrier's silky coat is its crowning glory. Maintaining and grooming a yorkie will ensure that the coat remains its pride and attraction. However, not all yorkies inherit the silky coat. Some can have cotton-like or wooly coats that require regular grooming to prevent matting.
  1. Cotton Coat

    • This coat is comprised of fine hair, which tends to mat easily. It requires daily brushing to prevent matting. A yorkie having such a coat will benefit from the application of an oil-based conditioner to keep the coat more manageable. The cotton coat can be clipped into different styles quite easily, such as a Schnauzer cut, Westie cut and Puppy cut.

    Wooly Coat

    • This coat is thick and does not exhibit the usual sheen that yorkies are famous for. Using a spray-on dog coat conditioner can help the wooly coat get more of a sheen. A yorkie with a wooly coat requires brushing twice a day to prevent mats. Giving a wooly-coat yorkie a Puppy cut ̵1; in which the entire coat is trimmed, but not shaved competely ̵1; also helps to make the coat more manageable.

    Coat Care

    • Yorkies are prone to tangles. Using a wide-toothed metallic comb untangles the knots and makes it easier to comb the dog. Brushing your pet every day ensures that tangles and knots are kept at bay. Never brush dry fur, as it could result in breakage. Mist the coat lightly with a conditioning spray just before brushing. Use blunt scissors to trim the hair around the feet and under the pads to prevent matting. This also prevents the dog from slipping on slick surfaces. Pay special attention to the anal region, as the hair there can become matted with fecal matter.


    • Bathe your yorkie weekly to remove dirt and debris. Some breeders advise bathing the dog every two weeks. However, if your yorkie is dirty, bathe it. Use a dog shampoo to wash the coat. Rinse the coat well and remove the shampoo thoroughly before applying a conditioner. If shampoo stays on the coat, it makes the coat dull and can cause itching. Keep the conditioner on for a few minutes before rinsing it off thoroughly.

    Face Care

    • Use a damp sponge or cloth to clean the face and corners of the eyes. This helps to remove tear stains under the eyes. Pay special attention to cleaning the eyes once a day if your yorkie tears a lot, as tears can lead to rotting of the whiskers.

    Ear Care

    • Clean the ears with a dog ear-cleaning solution and cotton balls. Yorkies have upright ears that can gather dirt and debris. If you notice a foul odor or discharge from your yorkie's ear, take your pet to the vet immediately. It could have an ear infection.

    Teeth Care

    • Use a dog toothpaste and finger toothbrush to clean your yorkie's teeth daily. Regular cleaning of teeth prevents gum infections, and keeps the yorkie's teeth healthy and its breath fresh.

    Nail Care

    • Clip toenails every two weeks. Try clipping the nails at the curve to prevent bleeding; cutting the nails at an angle similar to the normal wear of the nails will keep the cuticles from growing.

    Expressing Anal Glands

    • Yorkies have two anal glands, one on each side of the anus. Check them while giving your yorkie a bath. If they are full, take your pet to a veterinarian to get them expressed. Your vet should show you how to express them, so that you can do it at home. It also helps to clip the hair around the anus, as matted hair can prevent the glands from expressing naturally.